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Teenage health

Meningitis in young people

Cases of potentially deadly meningitis are on the increase, so it’s important if you are aged 18 – 25 to get vaccinated.

Adolescents and young adults are the main carriers of meningococcal bacteria, which can cause meningitis and septicaemia, potentially fatal illnesses.

Free meningitis vaccinations, available from the surgery or from your college/university medical centre, help protect against disease caused by four of the main groups of meningococcal bacteria. No vaccine offers complete protection but will help fight the disease.

Find out more information about the vaccines available and why it’s important to be protected on the NHS website:

Vaccines are available free up to the age of 25.


Our doctors are here to listen and not to tell, whatever your age. Consultations on any matter are treated in the strictest confidence. Our staff are very understanding and will treat any problem seriously and with sensitivity.

Domestic abuse

Royal Crescent Surgery is a Safe Space Surgery. This means it is a place where totally confidential support and help can be found.

If you need support, let us know and we will put you in touch with the Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service.

Over half of victims of abuse – physical, psychological, emotional, financial or mental – will be in touch with their GP surgery during the first two years of abuse.

The mental health consequences of children who witness abuse at home is massive. Remember, if you are ready to seek support or help, you have the right to:

  • be treated with respect
  • be believed and listened to
  • talk to someone who will be sympathetic
  • be aware of what resources are available locally
  • be told your safety is paramount
  • be able to make your own decisions
  • not feel judged
  • be made to feel comfortable about disclosing your experiences

Useful numbers

Sexual health and contraception

Our nurses are able to give advice on contraception, pregnancy, weight, smoking and drugs.

Emergency contraception, also known as the ‘morning after’ pill is available from some pharmacies or by making an appointment with a GP.

Morning after pills are effective for up to 72 hours after any unprotected sex but the sooner you seek help the better.

Chlamydia screening

Chlamydia is the most common infection for 15 to 24 year olds with 1 in 12 young people who are sexually active being infected.

Getting tested is easy and simple. A full screen at a clinic is always best as you can test for other infections at the same time.

You can test for chlamydia at home by sending for a free confidential kit from the Free Test website:

To protect against chlamydia:

  • Use condoms during sex
  • If you have a new partner, both get a chlamydia test
  • Have a free test every year or after changing partners

Useful links

  • Childline – confidential advice and counselling for everyone under 19 years
  • On Your Mind – help with problems – try it out!
  • Teens in Crisis – useful website offering counselling service for up to 21 years
  • Calm Harm – helps you manage the urge to self harm
  • Moodzone – helping you cope with anxiety
  • Narcotics Anonymous – for details of local meetings and support