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Surgery clinics

In addition to GP and nurse appointments we offer a number of specialist clinics and support.

Antenatal clinic

Our antenatal clinics are run by a midwife at the surgery. If you are pregnant, please visit New Maternity Booking to register with the midwife.

Baby clinic

All new babies are invited in for health check ups and immunisations.


Please view our support for carers page.

Cervical screening

Women aged between 24 and 65 will receive an invitation for screening in line with the national screening programme.

Chronic disease management

All patients with a long term chronic condition will be invited for health reviews in their birthday month.

Community nursing

Our community nurses provide nursing care to patients at home. They can give advice and help with organising equipment and medical aids. They may be contacted on 0300 421 6070 or see their website here


Please view our about dementia page.

Family planning

Our female doctors and nurses offer a full and confidential service. Our receptionists will advise who you need to see. Please view our coil fitting advice page.

Health visitor

Our community health visitor takes an interest in the physical and mental health of all members of the family. She has detailed knowledge of the local community and is well placed to advise on a wide range of health related issues. She has specific responsibility for the care and support of families with new born babies and also carries out regular development reviews of young children. She may be contacted on 0300 4216486 or see the website here .

Minor surgery clinics

We have a monthly minor operations clinic.

NHS health checks

Everyone between the ages of 40-74 is entitled to an NHS health check, which includes healthy lifestyle advice and a blood test which aids early detection of some health problems.

Teenage health

Please view our teenage health page.

Travel advice

Please contact the practice if you have any travel enquiries. Alternatively, please find information about our travel vaccination fees.